If a specific region cannot fill an order, it relies on other regions to fulfill them, instead. 如果某个地点不能完成一个订单,则需要其他地方代替它完成。
This must be done for as long as it takes to fill an order, which can be up to 13 hours. 雏鸡雌雄鉴定员一直要这样做直到能交付定货,时间最多要13个小时。
Order form: form on which a buyer can fill in the detail of his intended purchase as an order to supply. 订货表格:作为订单的货品供应表格,买家把意欲购买的细节填写便可。
Under the new state rule, pharmacists with personal objections to a drug can opt out by getting a co-worker to fill an order. 按照新的州划定,那些就药物持有小我贰言的配药师可以通过签订一张单据以获得一位候补人的体例选择退出。